Glass wool products are widely - used thermal insulation materials.
They are mainly made from molten glass that is fiberized through a special process. Glass wool products have excellent thermal insulation performance, which can effectively prevent the transfer of heat.
They are lightweight and fluffy, making them easy to install in various spaces such as the walls, roofs, and pipes of buildings. In addition, they have good sound - absorbing properties, helping to reduce noise levels within a space. These products also have high fire - resistance, enhancing the safety of the building environment.
They are available in different forms like rolls, blankets, and boards to meet different application requirements in construction, industrial, and other relevant fields.
منتج الصوف الزجاجي هو نوع من الألياف الرقيقة، والمواد العازلة ذات الموصلية الحرارية المنخفضة، والهيكل الخاص يحدد ذلك أنابيب الصوف الزجاجي يمكن أن يكون جيدًا جدًا يحبس الهواء، بحيث لا يتدفق، ويضع حدًا لنقل الحرارة بالحمل الحراري للهواء، ولكن يمكن أيضًا أن يقلل بسرعة من انتقال الصوت، وذلك للحرارة وتأثير امتصاص الصوت.